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How A Victorian Man is Transforming Lives

On Tuesday night (23/10/18) the ABC’s Catalyst aired a program discussing medical bio mechanics, celebrating the people who design and develop new technology that is transforming many lives.

The program featured a story about Mat Bowtell, 2018 Victorian Local Hero who started his own prosthetic limb workshop at home after being retrenched.

With the help of crowdfunding, Mr Bowtell now has 12 3D printers in his workshop, along with prosthetic-grade scanners and sophisticated software and equipment to make the limbs that he gives away for free.

This new technique allows Mat to design and make limbs in a matter of days, whereas traditional methods can take several months. The delay in receiving limbs is particularly problematic for children as they can often outgrow the prosthetics not long after or prior to being fitted.

If you’d like to learn more about this remarkable technology and the man behind it please follow this link.

If you’d like to contribute to Mat Bowtell’s crowdfunding please click here

Source: ABC

Mat Bowtell and Catalyst presenter and surgeon Dr Nikki Stamp