Karista Blog

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Opportunity to meet our CEO at the ATSA Independent Living Expo - Brisbane 15-16th May

Karista’s CEO and founder, Danielle Bodinnar will be presenting on Opportunities in the Consumer Driven Marketplace at 10:30 am in room 3 on the first day (Wednesday) of the program.

Danielle will be discussing how through improvements to technology consumers are being empowered to make informed decisions to support their independence.

Also on Danielle’s agenda will be how service providers can better understand and best match consumers needs through online opportunities in this new growing web based comparison marketplace.

Danielle would love to see you at her presentation. Please come and say hello and of course have questions ready for her after the presentation.

If you haven’t registered to attend the ATSA Independent Living Expo, you can do so by following this link: https://www.atsaindependentlivingexpo.com.au/register/