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The world's top health, home and assistive technologies - all in one place!

Australian-based health technology company, helloEd, scans the world for the top health, home and assistive technologies, assessing what's reliable vs what's unlikely to be.

The service is free and offers a central, interactive website for people to find and understand what technology is available for their particular condition or circumstances, without bias!

So, what can assistive technology help with?

Assistive technologies allow people to be more independent at home; assist with recovery and rehabilitation; and help with work, play and to be more engaged in their community and interests and much more:

  • Communicating and being in closer. Getting help, reminders, or being found.

  • Monitoring health, motivating activity, rehabilitation and specific conditions.

  • Mobility - moving, working, going out to do what you love or want to.

  • ​Improving, monitoring and preventing health conditions to stay well and let a Patient know their options between visits.

  • Improving wellbeing and reducing loneliness.

Types of products include phones, tracking, wearables, medical devices, movement detection, sensors, cameras, voice assistants, specialist tablets, eye tracking, transport and more.

The team is driven by their own stories and experiences, to assist people in finding technologies that might help them get back to doing what they love. HelloEd is growing to become the world’s most trusted health-related technology marketplace.

Checkout HelloEd’s collections based on your needs:

Autism related technologies

Mobility and Movement

Assistive Technologies

Taking care of parents or partner