Karista Blog

Useful news and information from the health care community

A website that connects aged and disabled consumers with service providers.

What is important when searching for care for a loved one?

Whether you are looking for your child who has particular needs, or for your mum who is getting older and needs assistance with things at home, it is important to balance care with cost. It is without a doubt that care is most important but very few of us can afford to splash out testing and trying different services to understand what is best. So, reviews play a big part as does the quotation process. Karista allows carers to review providers, the services available and has implemented a star rating system. As the business is new it needs support from the community to get reviews. Help out your peers, or people like you, by rating your provider. Your opinion does matter, a review by you could mean the difference for the next person who is in a similar position to you. Search and review your provider in Melbourne or Geelong at www.karista.com.au


Search and review your provider