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A website that connects aged and disabled consumers with service providers.

Filtering by Tag: MyAgedCare

Commonwealth Crack Down on Home Care Providers and Long Waiting Lists

Last night, the ABC’s 7:30 program aired a story about the long wait people needing a Home Care Package (HCP) could expect and the Government crackdown on providers who do not meet the standards of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission describes it’s role as a protector of the health and safety, well-being and quality of life for those receiving Australian Government funded aged care. The Commission also monitors and registers service providers subsidised by the Australian Government and has the power to place sanctions on providers who do not meet the Commission’’s standards. The Commision is also available to assist with any complaints you may have with your HCP provider.

According to the My Aged Care website: “A home care package is a coordinated package of care and services to help you to live independently in your own home for as long as you can.” If you do not already have a package, your first step is to register with My Aged Care who will assess your needs.

The Federal Government currently provide 23,000 packages a week and acknowledged this is not enough, while describing the situation as impossible to quickly fix. Another $1.8 billion has been committed in forward estimates to fund Home Care Packages.

If you’d like to view the 7:30 story, please follow the link and to read further reporting from the ABC on this story click here.

Other links you may find useful:

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

My Aged Care


Feeling Lonely? We can Help

Loneliness, we’ve all felt it at some stage in our life. In a world where we are more technologically connected than ever, many people including older Australians are finding themselves isolated and lonely.

It’s not just in Australia that loneliness has become a problem, in the UK the Government has appointed a Minister for Loneliness. The United States is also looking into the issue with research showing that about half of all Americans have reported feeling lonely at some stage.

Why has social isolation and loneliness become a problem? Our population is aging, and more people are finding themselves loosing lifetime partners or friends and developing conditions that limit their mobility. It’s not just older Australians who are feeling isolated, interestingly a recent study in America showed that it was also Gen Z (people aged between 18-22), a generation we consider to be the most connected who are increasingly finding themselves socially isolated.

So, what can you do about it if you are feeling lonely and need some company? Plenty. There are many groups and organisations set up to help the older members of our community feel more connected. Some suggestions are:

  • Join a group. Why not try that painting class you’ve been thinking about? Join a book club or Men’s Shed

  • Make a date. How about a regular coffee or lunch date with a friends or family? Or visit your neighbour for a cuppa

  • Volunteer. There are many organisations looking for willing volunteers

  • Make a call. Why not call that friend you haven’t spoken to for a while

  • Get active. Commit to a weekly exercise class. Always wanted to know what Yoga was about? Well, now’s your chance

  • Ask for help. If you’re finding yourself struggling to do the shopping or clean the house, speak to My Aged Care or the NDIS to see what funding you might be eligible for

Source: ABC and Better Homes and Gardens

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BUDGET ANNOUNCEMENT: Homecare sector gets a massive boost

Aged-care sector gets $1.6 billion to assist older Australians with services in their own homes

The budget provides $1.6 billion over four years for 14,000 people to stay in their homes rather than nursing homes.

"Just because you're getting older does not mean you should surrender your dignity or your choices," Treasurer Scott Morrison said.

The funding boost means close to 74,000 people will be able to access home care packages by mid-2022.

The sector has been arguing for up to 25,000 extra places to deal with the backlog of people either waiting or using packages that do not have the full range of services they need.

A Government loans scheme to allow older people to borrow against some of the equity in their home will be extended.

That is an indication that older people will be expected to be prepared to cover some of the costs of living longer themselves, as well as relying on Government funding packages.

Source: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-05-08/budget-2018-aged-care-sector-gets-$1.6b-for-at-home-care/9740394


What is important when searching for care for a loved one?

Whether you are looking for your child who has particular needs, or for your mum who is getting older and needs assistance with things at home, it is important to balance care with cost. It is without a doubt that care is most important but very few of us can afford to splash out testing and trying different services to understand what is best. So, reviews play a big part as does the quotation process. Karista allows carers to review providers, the services available and has implemented a star rating system. As the business is new it needs support from the community to get reviews. Help out your peers, or people like you, by rating your provider. Your opinion does matter, a review by you could mean the difference for the next person who is in a similar position to you. Search and review your provider in Melbourne or Geelong at www.karista.com.au


Search and review your provider

Carer Community - Your reviews count

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Making decisions about somebody else’s care needs is a huge responsibility and can be a daunting task.  Choosing a provider for someone who needs help at home, we know you’ve got their bests interests at heart but how do you know you are really making the right choice of provider?  It is such an important decision and one that will never be taken lightly. 

You can be safe in the knowledge that there are many others like you and we like to think that we might be able to help.  Karista is creating a community of likeminded people who share their experiences in order to help others make informed decisions.  We want to encourage you to take the time to provide feedback about your experience with providers you have used.  We also want you to use the ratings and reviews that others have provided to guide you in making the right decisions for your loved one. Karista wants to help you make informed decisions because we know how important your role is as a carer and we know how much you care.

You can find us on our website at www.karista.com.au

Looking for simple answers on how to access funding for home care?

 We continue to read in the news about how much the government is actually spending on aged care. The Guardian only just recently released an article that reported that the Australian government has spent $31.2bn on community services in the past financial year. Of that, $17.4bn was spent on aged care services

So where is all of this money going?


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