Karista Blog

Useful news and information from the health care community

A website that connects aged and disabled consumers with service providers.

Feeling Lonely? We can Help

Loneliness, we’ve all felt it at some stage in our life. In a world where we are more technologically connected than ever, many people including older Australians are finding themselves isolated and lonely.

It’s not just in Australia that loneliness has become a problem, in the UK the Government has appointed a Minister for Loneliness. The United States is also looking into the issue with research showing that about half of all Americans have reported feeling lonely at some stage.

Why has social isolation and loneliness become a problem? Our population is aging, and more people are finding themselves loosing lifetime partners or friends and developing conditions that limit their mobility. It’s not just older Australians who are feeling isolated, interestingly a recent study in America showed that it was also Gen Z (people aged between 18-22), a generation we consider to be the most connected who are increasingly finding themselves socially isolated.

So, what can you do about it if you are feeling lonely and need some company? Plenty. There are many groups and organisations set up to help the older members of our community feel more connected. Some suggestions are:

  • Join a group. Why not try that painting class you’ve been thinking about? Join a book club or Men’s Shed

  • Make a date. How about a regular coffee or lunch date with a friends or family? Or visit your neighbour for a cuppa

  • Volunteer. There are many organisations looking for willing volunteers

  • Make a call. Why not call that friend you haven’t spoken to for a while

  • Get active. Commit to a weekly exercise class. Always wanted to know what Yoga was about? Well, now’s your chance

  • Ask for help. If you’re finding yourself struggling to do the shopping or clean the house, speak to My Aged Care or the NDIS to see what funding you might be eligible for

Source: ABC and Better Homes and Gardens

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