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A website that connects aged and disabled consumers with service providers.

Filtering by Tag: homelessness

Cooking for the Homeless: Aged Care Residents using skills to help others

ABC aired a report last night (15/8/18) on 7:30 with Leigh Sales - about the residents of Blue Mountains residential facility, Uniting Springwood, who are helping to prepare meals for their local homeless community. Some of the residents also volunteer to serve meals.

An initiative of Uniting Springwood and Mama Lana's Community Foundation, this project has given the residents a renewed purpose and welcome feelings of achievement and giving. They really enjoyed the opportunity to be the givers of care rather than the ones always receiving care. The homeless community are delighted to be eating a home cooked meal with the opportunity to meet and thank those involved.

This program shows that everybody has something to contribute, especially our elderly. The residents of Uniting Springwood, like a lot of our elderly in residential care, have decades of cooking experience and other skills which are underutilised.  

To see more of this heartwarming story, click the link below.

Source: ABC 7:30



Some useful links for our young ones


It can be difficult to talk to children or young adults who are finding it hard to articulate their needs. Below are some easy to access online resources to help. Considering our young ones are so computer savvy sending them to links to assist in the process, or it could be something you access yourself to assist in the discussion. See below - some great links:

Bullying at work - WorkSafe Victoria - click here

Victoria Legal Aid - Workplace Bullying - click here

Kids Helpline – click here

Lifeline – click here

Beyond Blue - click here

Youth beyond Blue – click here

Headspace - click here

Youth Off the Streets - click here

Department of Health Victoria - click here

StreetSmart Australia - click here

Homelessness Australia - click here

Department of Health and Ageing - Mental Health - click here

Asperger Syndrome and Adults - Better Health Victoria - click here

Autism Victoria - click here

Autism Help – click here