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A website that connects aged and disabled consumers with service providers.

Filtering by Tag: mental health

Mental health in the workplace

With the end of January fast approaching and many of us returning to work, now is a good time to check in with how you’re feeling and your mental well being.

Did you know that mental illness has overtaken physical problems as the leading cause for the disability support pension?

Research recently published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry has found that mental illness is now the leading cause for long term sickness absence among Australian workers. Not only does this come at significant personal costs but also to their employers and society.

The research also found that workplaces need to take greater responsibility in providing good management and resilience building among their staff. Managers should also be encouraging employees to seek help early, support their recovery and return to work.

So many factors including bullying, work mates, management style and job satisfaction also play an important part in an individual’s mental health.

According to behaviour expert, business and leadership consultant John Demartini - fear is sabotaging many workplaces.

Fear can cause extreme in behaviour, skew your decision making and causes you to perform below your best.

So what can you do if you’re feeling like this? First step is to speak with your GP. Your GP will help you to find a the appropriate person for you to speak to and may also set up a Mental Health Plan with Medicare which will entitle you reduced cost or free psychological services.

Keep in mind that many employers now have a phone based counselling service which may be free for you to access.

Source: The Age

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Some useful links for our young ones


It can be difficult to talk to children or young adults who are finding it hard to articulate their needs. Below are some easy to access online resources to help. Considering our young ones are so computer savvy sending them to links to assist in the process, or it could be something you access yourself to assist in the discussion. See below - some great links:

Bullying at work - WorkSafe Victoria - click here

Victoria Legal Aid - Workplace Bullying - click here

Kids Helpline – click here

Lifeline – click here

Beyond Blue - click here

Youth beyond Blue – click here

Headspace - click here

Youth Off the Streets - click here

Department of Health Victoria - click here

StreetSmart Australia - click here

Homelessness Australia - click here

Department of Health and Ageing - Mental Health - click here

Asperger Syndrome and Adults - Better Health Victoria - click here

Autism Victoria - click here

Autism Help – click here